Office Culture
Darden Architects Received the 2014-2017 Intern Development Program Firm Award


Darden Architects was recently awarded the 2014-2017 Intern Development Program Firm Award. Darden Architects was one of only 16 firms nationwide that received the award, the only firm in California’s Central Valley, and one of three firms in California.

Since 1991, the IDP Outstanding Firm Awards program, administered by the NCARB/AIA Internship Advisory Committee (IAC), has recognized firms who actively embrace the Intern Development Program (IDP) and demonstrate a commitment to interns by making the path to licensure an integral part of the firm’s culture. In 2008, the program expanded to recognize “IDP Firms” that meet twelve essential criteria in the categories of Mentoring, Supervising, Training Opportunities, Commitment to IDP, and ARE Support.

Our firm knows that industry standards change with time and is committed to providing an environment that fosters professional growth and continual learning for our staff. Weekly lunch presentations, nearly all of them AIA Continuing Education Unit approved, are selected to build the designer’s knowledge of the latest products, technology and standards. This creates a uniform body of knowledge among the employees to produce well-coordinated drawings, and a forum in which to discuss master specification and construction document issues. We keep an in-house ARE study library and fully reimburse test registration fees upon receipt of license.

An aspirational design professional with a desire to get thier architectural license doesn’t want to be a drone stuck in front of the computer screen at some firm that doesn’t value your professional growth. With many ongoing projects, Darden Architects can provide opportunities to get the 5,600 training hours needed. Working at a firm like Darden Architects will provide opportunities for design, the chance to attend site meetings, administrate projects, and interact with consultants, clients and state agencies. We value our up-and-coming staff and want to see them succeed, and our ongoing commitment to the Intern development program is proof of this.

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February 22-24, 2023

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