Julien Elementary School Library Modernization

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Julien Elementary School Library Modernization
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Julien Elementary School Library Modernization

Turlock Unified School District


The New Julien Elementary School library modernization project in Turlock Unified School District, has been widely well received, and sees thorough use each day. This project was completed as part of a modernization to the campus at large, and so it was important that the design team be mindful of budget to ensure funds were allocated appropriately to it, as well as the various other site and building improvements. The space offers students a well-equipped library and adjacent reading room. Color selection was to adhere to District standards while calling out the blue school color, and design aesthetics should appeal equally well to the different ages of students attending. 3-form paneling and glass pendant lighting was used around the circulation desk to add privacy and pleasing embellishment respectively. Graphic murals were produced by Darden Architects and installed above the bookshelves to contribute to a lively enriched interior space. Finally, a Dr. Seuss quote was added along the curving ceiling feature: “Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if you only try!”

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